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Showing posts with label By - Cards Against Humanity LLC.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label By - Cards Against Humanity LLC.. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Cards Against Humanity

Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people. Unlike most of the party games you've played before, Cards Against Humanity is as despicable and awkward as you and your friends. 

The game is simple. Each round, one player asks a question from a Black Card, and everyone else answers with their funniest White Card. 

Reviews of Cards Against Humanity: 

"Pretty amazing." - The Onion AV Club .
"An incredible game." - Mike "Gabe" Krahulik, Penny Arcade .
"Uncontrollable laughter." - Kill Screen Magazine .
"The game your party deserves." - Thrillist .
"A game." - The Daily Beast.


  • 550 cards (460 White cards and 90 Black cards).
  • Over 13 duodecillion possible rounds (10^40) with 6 players.
  • Professionally printed on premium playing cards.
  • Includes game rules and alternate rules, shrink-wrapped in a custom box.
  • 0% of the proceeds will be donated to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


1) Will ruin your life - This is not a review about playing Cards Against Humanity, it's a review of the fallout endured from playing Cards Against Humanity. Take it as a warning, if you will.

If you aren't a horrible person already, you will soon be. You will play Cards Against Humanity, and as others have said, you will be shocked, appalled, and worst of all, you will learn and adapt. You'll reach for your smartphone and search for terms you've drawn such as "The Übermensch", "Heteronormativity", and "The Three-Fifths Compromise". You will commit these and many other newly-learned words to memory.

And that's where it all comes crashing down.

At first, you might allow "front butt" to casually wander its way into a conversation here and there. As more of your subconscious fights to unleash the trauma, you'll find yourself uttering "nipple blades" and "mouth herpes" in the most unacceptable of times. You'll visit the Cards Against Humanity website and bomb them with suggestions for new cards like "Cutting the cheese at a funeral" and "Scissoring".

Soon, you will meet up with new people to inflict Cards Against Humanity upon them and they'll be hooked. You will receive random voicemails and texts, asking for another hit of that "8 oz. of sweet, Mexican black tar heroin", and you will comply, because you're just as hooked as they are. They'll bring new friends in to freshen up the will feel a rush as the look of shame crosses their innocent eyes as they win a round by playing "Amputees" against your "White People Like _____".

"I was just throwing that card away!" they'll proclaim, but you know the sad truth.

You will buy the expansion pack. You will host parties where you play through every card in both boxes. You'll wonder where the time went. Your face will hurt from laughing so much. Your friends will buy their own sets, and the infection will be passed on.

A team of rescue workers will find you you weeks later in your closet, frazzled, emaciated, and stinking from "Soiling Yourself", because you just couldn't stop with playing Cards Against Humanity against yourself. The light of day will strike your eyes and you'll gaze up at your saviors with pensive anticipation...

"Wanna play?"

By mykie G on January 31, 2012

2) This game is just f***ing great! - Ever wondered what a grown-up version of Apples to Apples would look like? Well, Cards Against Humanity is the perfect response to that desire.

If you've never played Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity, let me fill you in on how CAH works. There are Black Cards and there are White Cards. At the start of each round, one chosen player (The Judge) will select a Black Card from the stack. On these cards will be a phrase or question that needs to be answered/completed. This is where white cards come in. Players have 10 White Cards, which they use to complete the Black Card's question(s)/blank(s). After each player (besides The Judge) has chosen the best White Card in their hand to go with the Black Card, all players turn their White Cards in to The Judge. From here, The Judge reviews the White Cards and decides his/her favorite pairing of the White and Black Cards. The player who played the Judge's chosen White Card gets a point (if that matters to your group) and the gameplay starts all over.

Let me give you an example with word-for-word examples of what you'll find on the Black and White cards.

1. The Judge plays a Black Card that says: "Life for the Native Americans was forever changed after the white man introduced them to ____________."
2. All players (exc. the Judge) choose a White Card.
3. After everyone has chosen their White Card, the Judge reviews the responses: "Smallpox Blankets", "Drinking Alone", "A Can of Whoop-Ass", and "Take-Backsies"
(Before you read these and think I'm an awful person, these are actual White Cards that I have seen played on the aforementioned Black Card)
4. The Judge chooses "Drinking Alone" and the player who picked this White Card wins the round.

This game is great fun, but keep in mind that there are some edgy/racy/raunchy/explicit/graphic/vulgar White and Black cards. In fact, that's the point.

If you don't have the right sense of humor to laugh at a card combination like "Lifetime presents: __Pretending to Care__, the story of __Not Giving a S*** about the Third World__", then this is not a game that I would recommend for you.

This is not a children's game, and this is not a game to play with Grandma (unless Grandma has a really effed up and awesome sense of humor). But if you and your friends enjoy laughing at the darker side of life, art, and pop culture... This is the perfect game for your next party.

By Paul Gomez on October 29, 2014


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